>Time of the Xatax...KNo one knows how or when the Xatax was created or from where it comes. TheKimportance of these issues have been minimized since the beginning of the Ndestruction of the Alliance. The primary concern is survival. With only sevenNof the hundred plus guilds in the Alliance remaining, hope seems to be fadingas consumption draws near.LSince the end of the Interguild War, in the early 2200's, peace has reignedMfor over two hundred years. Our leaders said we would never need our weaponsMagain... they said if we removed the means to make war, then there would beNno more wars... they said that without arms we would all be safe... they said,all of these things, and now they are dead.&We were so foolish. Time grows short!JI will say what I know about the Xatax, but that knowledge is limited andJcomes from the few that have survived the guilds that were consumed. LikeKlambs to the slaughter, defenseless and naive, we stood by and allowed the$Xatax to consume guild after guild.KContact was first made with the Xatax in the year 2437 by an intergalacticHexploration craft from the Ventoran Guild. We welcomed and embraced theIXatax, anxious to have it join the Alliance. Little did we know that theIXatax does not care about alliances, peace or even war... all it does is.consume... all it cares about is consumption.MThe Ventorians were the third guild to fall, first were the Deagonions, nextJthe Tyroplians, and the consumption continued. The Xatax swept across ourIgalaxy, consuming and mutating with each guild that stood in its way. ItMstripped the planets of all their useful resources, leaving only a wastelandDfrom a bountiful world. No one knows for sure what happened to theLinhabitants, all we know is that with each fallen guild, the Xatax changed.LThe Xatax mutates in a sense, creating new warriors out of the minds of theMpeople. The new creatures seem to represent things from history, technology,Kand even the imagination of the guilds. Making it twisted, in a warped andunconscionable fashion.HWhere does the endless consumption of Xatax come from? It appears to beMnothing more than huge cylindrical metal drums. Our scientists suspect thatMthe Xatax creates these drums out of the minerals from the destroyed guilds.FIt stores and later processes these minerals into more bio-mechanicalCcreatures. How can we stop this thing! Its unyielding hunger seemsFinsatiable. With no emotion, no thought, just pure desire to consume.MWhat is the bio-mechanical nature of the Xatax? While I cannot confirm this,MI feel that the Xatax uses the living portions of a planet just like it does&the minerals... it uses them to grow.MI am now about to embark upon what will most likely be a suicide mission. AsLthe remaining guilds evacuate their planets, I have been chosen to go forthLto try and stop the mindless destruction of our worlds. I will fly the X72,Fa two hundred year old fighter resurrected by our scientists from theFInterguild Museum located on Terra. Our scientists have modified thisCperfectly preserved fighter to mimic Xatax's own characteristic ofKconsumption. The revived X72 has limited ability to consume and gain poweras it battles forward.KIf any life form is able to extract this information from this drone, heedthis warning!->...end data upload, authority Krozious One.*